Lebanon is grappling with economic and financial melt-down, COVID-19, the disastrous impact of the Beirut Port explosions and continued impact of the Syrian crisis. In addition, political deadlock fuels popular protests and hampers meaningful reform and recovery efforts. In this context, the situation of ordinary people in Lebanon is worsening day by day.
In view of such continued and accelerated deterioration, under the leadership of the Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) and the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), with the support of OCHA, the UN and NGOs have developed the below 12-month coordinated multi-sectoral Emergency Response Plan (ERP) to address the needs of the most vulnerable among the Lebanese and migrants affected by the crisis, in complement to the Lebanon Crisis Response Plan (LCRP) as the framework to address the impact of the Syria crisis in Lebanon.
The ERP is strictly of humanitarian nature. It calls for exceptional time-bound assistance to save lives and alleviate suffering of the target population, also aiming to avoid a worsening of inter- and intra-community tensions. The activities covered will protect the most vulnerable until interventions aiming to address the root causes of vulnerabilities can be implemented. As such, the ERP does not represent a long-term solution to the ongoing crisis. Such a solution will only come from structural reforms and Government-led development interventions, including the implementation of a full-fledged comprehensive and inclusive Government-led social protection strategy. Whenever possible this document articulates the sequencing between planned humanitarian interventions and recovery activities.