Press Release

Bikeshare initiative launches in Tyre through UN-Habitat coordinated City-to-City Partnership with Zurich

20 April 2021

  • The Municipality of Tyre has today launched two public bike stations, facilitated by UN-Habitat’s City-to-City partnership between Zurich and Tyre municipalities. The initiative hopes to lay the foundation for a future of more sustainable transportation alternatives and options in Tyre, Lebanon.

By using bikes, users can choose an alternative mode of transportation, that is not only green but can decrease exposure to COVID-19, while reducing traffic congestion, accidents and pollution in the city.

“This project and its second phase – the launching of a “Park and Ride” – a low-cost and accessible bus shuttle service and parking lot, are key entry points to introducing alternative transportation modalities – for all population groups in the congested city of Tyre. The hope is to promote a culture of green commuting, that can contribute to long term benefits of improved health and well-being of the bikeshare users and improved air quality,” said Taina Christiansen, Head of the UN-Habitat Lebanon Country Programme.

The bike stations are one of the activities within the City-City Partnership whose main objectives are to: (1) enhance the technical and human resource capacities of Tyre’s Regional Technical Office – a coordinating body established by UN-Habitat during project implementation that brings public and civil local actors together to address their designated area’s needs; (2) facilitate knowledge exchange between the cities of Tyre and Zurich through workshops and dialogue; and, (3) implement tangible projects that respond to the city’s needs.

“I am very delighted to see that this cooperation that has started in 2017 is now established and first tangible results such as the bike rental station are being implemented.” said Corine Mauch, Mayor of Zurich, Switzerland

The City-to-City project partnership between Zurich and Tyre municipalities began in 2017, aiming at supporting the Municipality of Tyre in coping with the effects of the Syrian refugee crisis in the city. This project partnership is expected to improve the performance of Tyre and achieve a long-term positive impact in the field of soft mobility through sharing the experiences between both cities to address the needs of refugees hosted by the city.

“Most projects begin at a small-scale during times of need and as they grow, they expand the community’s horizons - this is exactly what this initiative represents. We are thankful for our close and cooperative partnership with the City of Zurich and for UN-Habitat’s coordinating role and look forward to the future of the project’s next phases.” said Hassan Dbouk, Mayor of Tyre, Lebanon


About the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)

UN-Habitat works in over 90 countries supporting people in cities and human settlements for a better urban future. Working with governments and local partners, its high impact projects combine world-class expertise and local knowledge to deliver timely and targeted solutions. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development includes a dedicated Goal on cities, SDG 11 – to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Human Settlements Programme

Goals we are supporting through this initiative