Press Release
Warning! Fraudulent Message
01 December 2021
- Beirut, 1 December 2021 -- Please be aware that scammers are circulating messages and links through social media (Facebook and WhatsApp) announcing that UNCS is opening a new immigration center in Tripoli and asking for money in return for their services.
The UN has no association with this center. We strongly discourage the sharing of personal information with a third party and remind that humanitarian services are free of charge.
If in doubt about the authenticity of a message related to migration, you may contact IOM, the UN agency for migration at for advice. We also encourage you to visit the official Embassy website of the country you are planning to migrate to.
If you are registered with UNHCR and have shared personal data with anyone you are suspicious of, or if someone asks you for money or favors in return for help, please contact UNHCR at 01-594250. All official messages from UNHCR are published on

UN entities involved in this initiative
International Organization for Migration
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees