OCHAStream the Event Development Goals
Contact information
naiera.ahmed@un.orgPress Conference (MEDIA ONLY) with the Humanitarian Coordinator in Lebanon on the Extension of Lebanon’s Emergency Response Plan (ERP)
What: Press Conference organized by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) in Lebanon on the extension and revision of Lebanon’s Emergency Response Plan in view of the increasing humanitarian needs in Lebanon.

About the event
When: Thursday 16 June 2022, from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
Where: UN House (UN-ESCWA Building), Riad el-Solh Square, Beirut - MZ Hall, MZ floor.
Who: Press encounter with the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator (RC/HC), Ms. Najat Rochdi. A moderated Q&A with media representatives will follow the introductory remarks by the RC/HC.
Why: Primary and secondary data collection and joint analysis published in April 2022 indicate that the humanitarian situation has further deteriorated in Lebanon since the publishing of the 12-months ERP in August 2021. Therefore, the Humanitarian Country Team, led by the RC/HC, decided to extend the ERP – initially planned to end by July 2022 – until the end of 2022 to address the increasing humanitarian needs among the most vulnerable Lebanese, migrants, and Palestine refugees in Lebanon (PRL). The ERP complements the Lebanon Crisis Response Plan (LCRP) that provides assistance and protection to Syrian refugees and host communities.
Language: The Press Conference will be in Arabic. However, live interpretation from/to Arabic/English will be provided throughout the press conference.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Members of the media wishing to take part in this press conference are kindly requested to confirm their attendance by filling out the following online form ( by maximum 12 PM, Wednesday 15 June 2022. They are also kindly requested to:
- Arrive on the day of the press conference at least 45 minutes ahead, for the necessary security checks.
- Show their Press ID card and national identification card.
- Wear a mask at all times and apply -to the extent possible- the established COVID19 public health social measures, including social distancing and hand sanitizing.
For further details, please contact; Ms. Naiera Ellethy, Public Information Officer- United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Lebanon,