“Zyara” is a documentary series focusing on human stories. With more than 84 episodes over 7 seasons, the series has received more than 45 international awards.
The series is the brainchild of Denise Jabbour and Muriel Aboulrouss. Before 2019, the cultural and creative industries were one of the most dynamic sectors of the economy of Lebanon.
In 2019 it was estimated that they accounted for 4.75 per cent of the country’s GDP and employed 4.5 per cent of its official labour force. This figure rises to 20 per cent if the informal workforce is taken into account. The multifaced crisis facing Lebanon in the past four years has created huge difficulties for the cultural and creative industries. In the absence of opportunities and social protection, artists and cultural professionals have found themselves in difficult circumstances.
Denise and Muriel were not immune to the crisis. “At the beginning of 2023, we had made the decision not to produce a new season”, says Denise. “Then the BERYT project came to our rescue.”
The BERYT project supports proposals aimed at promoting and reviving culture and the arts. The project is led by UN-Habitat Lebanon. It receives funding from the Lebanon Financing Facility, administered by the World Bank. UNESCO is responsible for implementing the programme in connection with the cultural and creative industries. BERYT provides emergency grant assistance to artists and cultural practitioners in difficulty.
Under the initial call for proposals, 93 grants were awarded; in 2024, there will be a second call, extending aid to vulnerable practitioners. This signals ongoing support for Beirut’s cultural revival. The BERYT project has given the Zyara team renewed dedication to continue their creative journey and embark on a new season. “The Lebanese community is a rich source of heartfelt narratives”, says Denise. “We’re confident that life will support us in overcoming any challenge, and we’re dedicated to safeguarding our nation and upholding our cultural identity.”