Distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen, Good morning to all,
I am happy to be here today for the launch of the report of Lebanon's first-ever national nutrition and child development survey, LIMA, hosted by the Ministry of Public Health. It marks a pivotal moment in our collective efforts to address the pressing challenges facing Lebanon concerning malnutrition.
Malnutrition in all its forms—undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, and obesity—and the associated cognitive loss affect individuals and communities at every level in deep ways. It is not just a health issue; it is a development and economic issue. Malnutrition today will hamper educational attainment, reduce productivity, and exacerbate poverty in the future. We must prioritize nutrition as a critical component of our immediate and longer-term efforts.
As Lebanon aims to get back on track towards sustainable development, it is crucial that we adopt a comprehensive and multi-sectoral approach. Food, health, water and sanitation, education, and social protection sectors are just a few examples. Nutrition and child development must be at the heart of this approach, as they are fundamental to the health and the future of our societies.
As others have mentioned today, the LIMA survey provides a wealth of information with critical insights into the needs of our population on malnutrition and related issues. This valuable data is particularly important in the context of the ongoing multifaceted crises that continues to threaten the well-being of millions and the lack of data on these crises.
The launch today is a significant step toward understanding and addressing the challenges we face for better decision-making. This way every child has the chance to thrive, every family has access to nutritious food and other basic necessities, and every community is equipped to support its members, affecting at every life stage—from maternal period, early childhood all the way to school-age and beyond.
But it is only the beginning.
Let us all commit to a collaborative, multi-sectoral approach that prioritizes nutrition and child development in all our efforts. We can build resilient systems that support the health and nutrition well-being of our communities, paving the way for a more prosperous future for all. Today is a representation of this partnership, hearing from the ministry, World Bank, AUB, WFP, Mercy USA and UNICEF.
I urge all stakeholders—Government, Parliament, NGOs, United Nations, and the private sector—to continue coming together in this effort. Your contributions are vital to prevent all forms of malnutrition and to promote healthy growth and development. We have the opportunity to make a lasting impact on children today and as a result on Lebanon’s future if we work collaboratively and strategically.
Thank you for your dedication and partnership in this vital mission. The United Nations looks forward to continue working together with you to transform insights into action, ensuring that no one, especially children and women, is left behind.
Thank you.