Speech 28 January 2021 American Taskforce for Lebanon's Virtual discussion with the UN Resident & Humanitarian Coordinator Najat Rochdi on the Humanitarian Situation in Lebanon
Speech 27 January 2021 UN-DESA virtual webinar "From Recovery to Sustainable Development: National Webinar on Integrated Recovery Policies toward the SDGs in Lebanon"
Speech 12 January 2021 Third Review of Lebanon’s Human Rights situation and the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process
Speech 04 December 2020 Press Conference to Launch the Reform, Recovery and Reconstruction Framework (3RF)
Speech 25 November 2020 Video Message of the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Lebanon at the "3ALA AMAL" Concert
Speech 16 October 2020 World Bank Virtual High-Level Dialogue “After the Beirut Explosion: High Level Dialogue on Recovery, Reconstruction, and Reforms”
Speech 22 September 2020 UN Global Compact Virtual Session on “Building Beirut Back Better: How the private sector can support response and recovery?”
Speech 21 September 2020 UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator's Message on the occasion of the International Peace Day