Statement of the International Support Group for Lebanon meeting on 20 August 2021
20 August 2021
- The international Support Group for Lebanon expresses its deep regrets over the loss of life and injuries resulting from the explosion of a fuel tanker in North Lebanon on 15 August.
This tragic incident occurred in the context of acute fuel shortages now affecting Lebanon, with severe repercussions for essential services, including electricity provision, public health, public water supply, as well as businesses and livelihoods.
This fast-accelerating crisis underscores the utmost urgency of forming a government capable of taking the situation in hand, meeting the immediate needs of the people of Lebanon, initiating the needed reforms, and paving the way for international support. The ISG calls on all parties to work towards this end without any further delay.
The ISG continues to stand by Lebanon and its people.
Note to Editors
The International Support Group has brought together the United Nations and the governments of China, France, Germany, Italy, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States, together with the European Union and the Arab League. It was launched in September 2013 by the UN Secretary-General with former President Michel Sleiman to help mobilize support and assistance for Lebanon’s stability, sovereignty and state institutions.