Statement of the UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon on Women’s Representation in Politics
19 October 2021
- The UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Ms. Joanna Wronecka encourages the discussion in Parliament of a gender quota in the upcoming elections.
Women’s representation in politics is critical for an effective and well-functioning democracy, and ensures that those in elected leadership are more representative of the people they serve. The discussion of a gender quota in the Lebanese Parliament is in line with Lebanon’s commitment to the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325, as articulated in the 2019-2022 National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security.
“The women of Lebanon represent a pool of leadership and legitimacy. The United Nations welcomes efforts to expand special measures for women, such as quotas, and to support Lebanese women’s participation in political life.’ she said.
The Special Coordinator reiterated the importance of holding elections on time.