19 December 2021
Baabda, Lebanon
19 December 2021

Merci infiniment Monsieur le Président. Permettez-moi de parler en Anglais.
Good evening, I am very happy to be back in Lebanon.
I have just had a productive meeting with His Excellency President Aoun, where I thanked him for his hospitality and for the very important discussions that we had today.
I also expressed the gratitude of the United Nations and the international community for Lebanon’s generosity in hosting so many refugees from the Syrian conflict.
I was High Commissioner for Refugees during 10 years, and in my experience of those 10 years, there are very few cases where a country and a people have been so generous as Lebanon has been in relation to the Syrian refugees. With a heavy price in the Lebanese economy, in the Lebanese society and because of the conflict in Syria, of the Lebanese security.
And I believe the international community has not done enough to support Lebanon, as to support Jordan, as to support other countries in the world that have opened their borders, their doors and their hearts to refugees, when unfortunately, some much richer and much more powerful close their own borders.
And so, the example of Lebanon is an example that creates a responsibility to the international community to fully support Lebanon in overcoming the difficulties that Lebanon is facing at the present moment.
And so, I told the President that I have come with one simple message: The United Nations stands in solidarity with the people of Lebanon.
During my visit, I will meet a wide range of political, religious and civil society leaders, including women and youth.
And my objective is to discuss how we can best support the Lebanese people to overcome the current economic and financial crisis and to promote peace, stability and sustainable development.
I urge the country’s politicians to work together to resolve this crisis. And I call on the international community to strengthen its support to Lebanon.
Just an example, our humanitarian response plan is only 11 percent funded. We need stronger solidarity from the international community.
But the Lebanese people also expect their political leaders to restore the economy, provide a functioning government and state institutions, end corruption and safeguard human rights.
And what was said here by His Excellency the President comes exactly in this direction.
Seeing the suffering of the people of Lebanon, Lebanese political leaders do not have the right to be divided and paralyze the country.
And I recognize the President of the Lebanese Republic as the symbol of that necessary unity.
Next year’s elections will be key. And Lebanon’s people must be fully engaged in choosing how the country moves forward.
Women and young people must have every opportunity to play their full part as Lebanon strives to overcome its many challenges and lays the foundation for a better future.
And the United Nations will support Lebanon on every step of this journey.
As part of our commitment to Lebanon’s stability, I will visit UNIFIL in southern Lebanon.
Commitment to the full implementation of Resolution 1701 and maintaining the cessation of hostilities across the Blue Line and decreasing tensions between the parties is crucial, and avoiding all violations is essential.
I take this opportunity to salute the thousands of women and men peacekeepers who are far from their families and countries serving peace in Lebanon.
And I also like to stress the continued international support to the Lebanese army that is more necessary than ever, as well as to other state security institutions that are essential for the stability of Lebanon.
I encourage all Member States to increase their support and to fully assume their responsibilities.
Lebanon is facing a very difficult moment, but this is a wonderful country with a wonderful people.
I urge the Lebanese leaders to deserve their people and I urge the international community to correspond to the generosity of the Lebanese people.