Lebanon is experiencing a multi-layered crisis with acute and increasingly visible humanitarian consequences. Since 2019, the country has been going through a complex economic and financial crisis – deepened by a political deadlock – which has offset some of the development gains of the past years and generated humanitarian needs for the most vulnerable populations in severely deprived areas in the country.
The COVID-19 pandemic and the disastrous impact of the Beirut Port explosions in August 2020 further exacerbated long-term structural vulnerabilities, worsened protection risks – including violence against women and girls - and contributed to soaring humanitarian needs.
Meanwhile, Lebanon continued to manage the spill-over of the Syrian crisis since 2011 and while refugee communities are generally welcomed, antagonistic sentiments and statements regarding refugees have been increasing1 – a warning sign of a society struggling with the rapidly evolving context that has seen new humanitarian needs surface among its residents. The capacity of the country to cope with all these overlapping shocks was nearly exhausted in 2021 and is likely to further decrease in 2022 in the absence of comprehensive long-term development plans and structural reforms.
The Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) tasked the Emergency Operations Cell (EOC) in 2021 to undertake a joint analysis of needs to understand the scope and scale of humanitarian needs in Lebanon and provide a comprehensive evidence-base to inform decision-making related to potential response options.
The analysis in the “Increasing Humanitarian Needs in Lebanon” document focuses on the humanitarian needs of the Lebanese, migrants and Palestine refugees in Lebanon (PRL). It is elaborated by sectors and the Emergency Operations Cell (EOC). It remains complementary to the analysis of the impact of the Syria crisis and needs of affected populations conducted in 2021, which informed the Lebanon Crisis Response Plan (LCRP) for 2022-2023. An annex summarizing needs analysis on refugees from Syria has been included at the end of this document.
You can download below the ENG version of the report in addition to "At Glance" document available in both English and Arabic.
This document is consolidated by OCHA on behalf of the Humanitarian Country Team and partners in Lebanon.