Reform, Recovery, and Reconstruction Framework (3RF): Co-chair Statement by the Prime Minister of Lebanon, the UN Resident Coordinator, and Representatives of Donors and Lebanese Civil Society
12 April 2023
- Beirut, April 12, 2023 - The Reform, Recovery and Reconstruction Framework (3RF) was set up after the devastating explosion in the Port of Beirut, as a uniquely inclusive platform to coordinate people-centred recovery in the affected areas, as well as provide a comprehensive plan to support national reforms and investments in reconstruction.

Eighteen months after the launch of the 3RF, a wide range of stakeholders were consulted on the strategic way forward. Stakeholders agreed that reform is critical to help Lebanon return to a path of sustainable development, starting with the IMF staff-level agreement. To this end, the 3RF will be continued as a unique platform for inclusive policy dialogue and to make progress on implementing reforms to unlock international support for and investments in reconstruction. Furthermore, the 3RF will not extend its focus on recovery, since other coordination structures in Lebanon are better equipped to address recovery and humanitarian needs.
The Lebanon Financing Facility (LFF) will continue to channel funding to support the implementation of 3RF priorities and will provide financial and technical support for implementing the priorities defined by the sector working groups led by government representatives. The LFF 2023 annual workplan will reflect the shift in focus to reforms and their link to mobilisation of funds for reconstruction. These decisions will not affect recovery projects currently under implementation.
Access to information about the 3RF will be improved through the launching of a dedicated website, which will include a reform tracker, an overview of sector priorities, as well as key results and outcomes of discussions. This will also support the Independent Oversight Board to deliver on its important mandate. The 3RF Consultative Group will provide strategic guidance and mobilize political support at the highest level.
Inclusive technical discussions will continue taking place in empowered sector Working Groups where Lebanese state institutions will lead by presenting their proposals and challenges. This will help international organizations and donors prioritize their interventions. Local civil society, including private sector actors, will provide their expertise, monitor progress, promote priority issues, and highlight any challenges. Encouraging collaboration between civil society and state institutions is a priority to build and foster trust between local stakeholders.
Convening the full range of stakeholders will bring together all resources needed to make progress possible for the people of Lebanon. To read more about the 3RF, please visit the new 3RF website on Comments or questions can be sent to
Media Contacts:
- Delegation of the European Union Lebanon: Tatiana Hosny Richa, Press and Information Officer, email:
- United Nations: Nadine Daou, National Information Officer, Resident Coordinator Office (RCO)/UNIC Beirut, email:
- World Bank Group: Zeina El Khalil, External Affairs Officer, email: