UN-Habitat and Rebirth Beirut join forces to improve the city’s urban infrastructure and environment
13 July 2023
- Beirut, 13 July 2023: As part of its vision to advance sustainable urban development across Lebanese cities, UN-Habitat today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Lebanese non-governmental organization Rebirth Beirut, to further support the city of Beirut’s urban recovery and sustainable development. The signing was held at Rebirth Beirut’s offices in Gemmayze and attended by Ms. Taina Christiansen, Head of the UN-Habitat Lebanon Country Programme and Mr. Gaby Fernaine, Founder and President of Rebirth Beirut.

The MoU will facilitate joint work between UN-Habitat and Rebirth Beirut to identify and implement possible opportunities that will enhance Beirut’s urban environment for the benefit of the community, while mainstreaming an urban cultural agenda. A series of initiatives will advocate for the key role that Lebanon’s cities play in the future recovery and development of the country.
"We are very pleased and honoured to do this step today. Our partnership with UN-Habitat marks a significant turning point in our mission to revive and transform Beirut. By working together, we can harness our collective strengths and resources to create a city that is not only resilient but also promotes the well-being and prosperity of its residents. Together, we can pave the way for a brighter future for Beirut," said Gaby Fernaine, Founder and President of Rebirth Beirut.
“We are delighted to join efforts with Rebirth Beirut, who have in a short period of time contributed to important urban recovery efforts in the city of Beirut, in addition to reviving the urban cultural scene. Through this partnership, UN-Habitat looks forward to maximising joint partnership contributing to the critical recovery of Lebanese cities, especially Beirut,” said Taina Christiansen, Head of UN-Habitat Lebanon Country Programme.
Since its establishment, UN-Habitat Lebanon has been working effectively with partners and urban planning actors at the community, national and international levels to develop and implement programmes and interventions across the country that contribute to making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.
About the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)
UN-Habitat works in over 90 countries supporting people in cities and human settlements for a better urban future. Working with governments and local partners, its high impact projects combine world-class expertise and local knowledge to deliver timely and targeted solutions. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development includes a dedicated Goal on cities, SDG 11 – to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
About Rebirth Beirut
Rebirth Beirut is a Lebanese NGO whose mission is to revive Beirut and restore hope to its people, mostly affected by the blast and recent economic crisis, aiming for economic renewal and recovery in the city.
Rebirth Beirut actively contributes to the city's rehabilitation by illuminating its streets and has, to date, lit more than 100 streets, 9 main avenues, 4 squares and a tunnel in Beirut. It has also rehabilitated 15 traffic light intersections in the capital on solar power. In addition, Rebirth Beirut promotes established and emerging artists through cultural, artistic and musical events.
For media enquiries:
Lubna Elmahdy
UN-Habitat Lebanon
M: +961 81 512629
Name: Samar Hawa
Rebirth Beirut
M: +961 3 217043