Distinguished guests,
Given the current circumstances today and the difficult times Lebanon has been going through for the last 5 years, I am extremely happy we are gathering here today to celebrate the achievements of the “Productive Sectors Development Programme (PSDP)”.
The PSDP has been all about:
- Sustainable development during a humanitarian crisis,
- Supporting the development of Lebanon’s productive sectors,
- Promoting a conducive business environment for women economic participation,
- Creating opportunities for access to international markets, and
- Empowering the private sector, farmers and cooperatives to develop and grow.
What really made the difference was the "Delivering as One" approach among the six implementing UN organizations which exemplified a collaborative and complementary approach by bringing together different capacities, expertise and resources.
Another key advantage of the PSDP was the partnership it created between the government, private sector and the UN all working together under one vision to support Lebanese producers not only to survive but to grow.
The PSDP places women’s role in productive sectors at its core, especially in agriculture and agrifood. For decades, women have been critical but invisible actors within these sectors.
The PSDP in its uniqueness adopted a comprehensive and inclusive approach bringing together both top-down and bottom-up measures at 3 levels:
- Review of reforms for women economic participation, this has been an important step in the right direction towards key targeted reforms for a conducive business environment for all.
- Support for increased exports in productive sectors, this resulted in the creation of interconnected Market Intelligence tools and Export Promotion Platform.
- Improved productive capacity and skills of businesses, farmers and cooperatives. where the PSDP adopted an area-based approach in North Lebanon to provide a package of complementary and integrated support to more than 2000 beneficiaries to enhance their competitiveness.
We will hear more about the achievements of the programme in the next presentation.
Allow me to stress that none of the PSDP achievements would have been possible without the visionary support from the Government of Canada who has long been a strategic partner for the UN and a generous supporter to Lebanon.
Excellency, thank you again for your important support to the PSDP, it demonstrated Canada’s outstanding commitment to sustainable solutions and sustainable development in Lebanon.
I also appreciate your patience throughout this innovative programme which has been executed during a very difficult time in Lebanon and here we are today celebrating its achievements together.
Special appreciation is also due to our partners from the government and private sector namely: Ministries of Industry, Agriculture, Economy and Trade, and IDAL as well as IDRAC.
Finally, I would like to thank the 6 UN organizations for their strong dedication and commitment to support Lebanon, its productive sectors and private sector.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I would like to conclude by praising and thanking our beneficiaries including farmers, SMEs, entrepreneurs, cooperatives and youth. Without you, none of this would have been possible.
Your active participation have been central to the success of the programme and remains crucial fpr Lebanon’s recovery process. We will be hearing from them later today during the panel discussion how the PSDP impacted them and their communities.
The PSDP participation at HORECA beginning this afternoon marks an excellent way to conclude the programme by providing an opportunity for our beneficiaries to benefit from market linkages and meet new buyers. The exhibition will take place from today until Friday from 3pm to 9pm - I hope to see you all there.
Thank you.