بيان صحفي

UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator Assesses Immediate Response and Support Needed Following Beirut Blast

٠٦ أغسطس ٢٠٢٠

  • The United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator and Deputy Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Ms. Najat Rochdi expressed her heartfelt condolences and best wishes for the speedy recovery of the injured.
  • Ms. Rochdi reiterated the UN Secretary General’s commitment to supporting Lebanon at this difficult time and is actively assisting in the response to this incident.

The United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator and Deputy Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Ms. Najat Rochdi expressed her heartfelt condolences and best wishes for the speedy recovery of the injured on behalf of the humanitarian actors in Lebanon following the terrible loss of life, significant injuries and massive damage to infrastructure caused by the horrific incident in Beirut’s Port on Tuesday 4 August.

“This crisis requires the support of all to surmount the devastating impact of the crisis on the Lebanese people and the country. I would like to commend the mobilization of all UN agencies, NGOs, and INGOs for the support provided so far and for their commitment to assist the Government of Lebanon and Lebanese people to overcome this tragic incident”, said Ms. Rochdi. “I am also deeply moved by the peoples’ solidarity and spontaneous acts of kindness demonstrated by regular citizens who are taking personal initiatives to support others in this time of desperate need,” she added.


(To read the text in its entirety, please download the PDF below)

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United Nations Resident Coordinator Office

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