COVID-19 Lebanon Emergency Appeal

Following consultations with the Government of Lebanon’s COVID Inter-Ministerial Committee and international partners to chart collective, coordinated and decisive action in response to the unprecedented health emergency confronting Lebanon, the Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator ad interim (RC/HC a.i.) and humanitarian partners are launching this in-country emergency funding appeal. The Lebanon Emergency Appeal aims to highlight critical areas of humanitarian intervention to protect the lives of people in Lebanon who are most acutely at risk due to the COVID-19 outbreak in the country and its immediate socio-economic impact. The Appeal brings within one coherent frame the set of activities required to support people to cope with the immediate impact of the disease outbreak.
This document brings together activities planned for in the World Health Organization (WHO)-led COVID-19 Country Preparedness Response Plan (CPRP) for Lebanon, the 2020 Lebanon Crisis Response Plan (LCRP), as well as new relief activities, in particular the containment measures, aiming to mitigate the combined impact of the economic crisis and COVID-19 on population groups not previously receiving humanitarian assistance. The document also aims to align local efforts with regional and global fundraising efforts including: the UN Multi Partner Trust Fund launched on 11 April; the COVID-19 Global Humanitarian Response Plan launched on 25 March (updated on 7 May); the regional 3RP for Syria; and, the UNRWA regional appeal launched on 17 March in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The local Lebanon Emergency Appeal plan will also be adjusted as the situation evolves.
This appeal was followed up with an update on July 17th. The update is also included below.