Rethinking Inequality in Arab Countries

The Rethinking Inequality in Arab States report fills knowledge gaps about inequality in the Arab region, using a multidimensional approach that focuses on non-income dimensions: Health, education and living conditions.
A primary motivation for this study has been the availability of harmonized household data following the Arab Multidimensional Poverty report (ESCWA et al, 2017) and that provides a unique opportunity to examine trends in outcome and opportunity inequalities between selected social, economic, spatial and demographic groups (rich and poor, men and women, rural and urban, educated and non-educated, etc.). After providing a thorough assessment of inequalities, of outcomes and of opportunities, the report provides an in-depth analysis on the drivers of inequality including poor economic structures, poor governance and rentierism. It also provides some policy and further research considerations.
This report is a joint collaboration between the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) and the Economic Research Forum (ERF) that rethinks the conventional wisdom on Arab inequality.