Gender Equality / Women’s Empowerment Mapping Survey

The UN Country Team (UNCT)1 Gender Working Group (GWG) in Lebanon undertook a survey between August and December 2019 to map out the UNCT’s gender equality and women’s empowerment (GEWE) programmes and projects. The survey sought to provide a comprehensive view of existing GEWE projects to increase greater exchange of information between agencies, identify current financial allocations towards GEWE programming, and identify the types of gender markers used across the UNCT.2
This survey is part of the GWG’s 2019 annual workplan and responds to the UNCT-SWAP Gender Scorecard Assessment that was carried out by the UN system in Lebanon between December 2018 and May 2019. The UNCT SWAP-Scorecard assessed the UN system’s performance in gender mainstreaming across seven dimensions, namely (1) planning, (2) programming and monitoring and evaluation (M&E), (3) partnerships, (4) leadership and organizational culture, (5) gender architecture and capacities, (6) resources, and (7) results. The Scorecard Assessment made recommendations to the UN system in Lebanon to strengthen gender mainstreaming across the UNCT. Some recommendations will be implemented by the Gender Working Group.
This preliminary survey serves to provide baseline data on GEWE programming, and it is anticipated that the GWG will update the survey on an annual basis and enhance it as needed to better serve the UN Country Team in tracking GEWE programming, resources and streamlining the use of gender markers.