Aid to Lebanon: Tracking of development aid received to Lebanon

The UN works with donor partners and national/international implementing partners in Lebanon to provide the government with real-time and transparent information on aid flows coming into Lebanon. These aid flows include development, humanitarian, peacebuilding and all other types of funds in support of Lebanon. Since 2016, the UN has collected reports on funding flows from Government donors to national entities, UN agencies, NGOs, Lebanon-specific funds and other actors and partners, including the private sector.
This is done through cumulative quarterly updates on reported available funds (carry over and disbursed) and known future/expected commitments to Lebanon. The quarterly updates also present an overview of support by donors and available funds for the Lebanon Response Plan and Lebanon Flash Appeal.
Check out the latest update on the reported allocated grants and future commitments: Aid tracking Results as of 31 December 2024.
You can check the links below to view previous funding updates for Lebanon in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024.